Ossic v. Verde Central Mines

In Ossic v. Verde Central Mines, 46 Ariz. 176, 177-78, 49 P.2d 396, 397 (1935) the claimant suffered various injuries during a mining accident, each of which, considered separately, would have been enumerated injuries under the statutory predecessor to 23-1044(B). In finding the claimant's impairment did not fall within the ambit of that subsection and that it must therefore be compensated as an unscheduled injury, the court noted "the undoubted fact that the actual loss of earning power occasioned by a combination of two or more separately scheduled injuries may be much greater than the amount reached by merely adding together the losses presumed to be caused by each of such injuries considered separately." Id. at 188-89, 49 P.2d at 401-02. The court further observed that, "in compensation cases two plus two does not necessarily equal four, but in some cases may equal six or more." Id.