In re R.T

In In re R.T. (2015) 232 Cal.App.4th 1284, the paternal aunt requested placement within two weeks of the child's birth but CWS "never considered" her for placement. (Id. at p. 1293.) When the child was one month old, the juvenile court heard and refused requests for relative placement and ordered a permanent plan of placement with the foster parents. When the child was four months old, the aunt filed a section 388 petition seeking change of placement with a plan of adoption. The CWS supervisor testified that it approved aunt's home for licensing, but never considered it for placement. She testified that "relative placements do not receive preference." (R.T., at p. 1294.) The juvenile court waited 10 months to rule on the section 388 petition and then denied it. Meanwhile, CWS abused its discretion when it refused to accept parental relinquishment of the child for adoption with designated relatives. ( 361, subd. (b)(1); Cal. Code Regs., tit. 22, 35181.)