James W. v. Superior Court

In James W. v. Superior Court (1993) 17 Cal.App.4th 246, a therapist and foster parents, accused of attempting to coerce a minor into naming her father as her abuser, sought to rely on section 11172. The court noted that the defendants were neither reporters in the first instance nor simple republishers of the original report. Rather, over a period of two years, they "voluntarily assumed roles of those who, having received the report and determined the identity of the perpetrator, search for corroboration and/or attempt to pressure a witness to get a conviction." (James W., supra, 17 Cal.App.4th at p. 256.) Because they were not acting as reporters, "they, like any number of other public officials who may be protected under other laws, may not take advantage of the reporting act immunity." (Ibid.)