Science Applications Internat. Corp. v. Superior Court

In Science Applications Internat. Corp. v. Superior Court (1995) 39 Cal.App.4th 1095, the trial court awarded the prevailing party costs, including the costs of "graphic exhibit boards," a "document control and database for internal case management," "laser disks 'containing' trial exhibits," and a "graphics communication system . . . ." ( Id., at pp. 1099, 1099, fn. 3, 1104.) The trial court found that: (1) the graphic exhibit boards and laser disks were "'the modern equivalent to models and blowups,' the cost was reasonable and necessary, and using the materials saved trial time"; (2) the document control and database cost "was reasonable and necessary"; and (3) the graphics communication system "reduced the trial time and was reasonable and necessary." ( Id., at p. 1099.) The appellate court held that the trial court could properly allow the cost of the graphic exhibit boards. They "appeared to be a computerized form of blowup or model which was apparently, in the opinion of the trial court, reasonably helpful to the trier of fact and possibly fitting within the category of 'models and blowups.'" (Science Applications Internat. Corp. v. Superior Court, supra, 39 Cal.App.4th at p. 1104.)