American Transmissions v. Attorney Gen'l

In American Transmissions v. Attorney Gen'l, 454 Mich 135; 560 NW2d 50 (1997) at 136-137, the Attorney General held a press conference to explain an investigation that was being conducted involving independent transmission shops, including the plaintiff. During the press conference, the Attorney General made various comments, alleged by the plaintiff to be defamatory, that the plaintiffs were "fraudulent," "crooks and cheats," and operated "crooked transmission shops." Id. at 137. The Supreme Court of Michigan concluded that the Attorney General was clearly "immune from tort liability" because he "was acting within the scope of his executive authority." Id. at 144. Further, in American Transmissions, the Supreme Court overruled the case of Gracey v. Wayne Co Clerk, 213 Mich App 412; 540 NW2d 710 (1995).