Nummer v. Dep't of Treasury

In Nummer v. Dep't of Treasury, 448 Mich. 534, 541-542; 533 N.W.2d 250 (1995), the Supreme Court of Michigan examined whether the Civil Rights Act, MCL 37.2101 et seq.; MSA 3.548(101) et seq., reflected the Legislature's intent concerning the finality of administrative proceedings involving it. The Court considered that the Legislature explicitly provided only one remedy from an adverse agency determination, a direct appeal to the circuit court, and that the Civil Rights Act otherwise contained no language concerning the preclusive effect of the Civil Rights Commission's findings or conclusions. Nummer, 448 Mich. at 547, 551. The Court therefore concluded that the Legislature intended to permit only an appeal and that "if the Legislature intended anything else, it would have said so more directly." Nummer, 448 Mich. at 551.