People v. Storch

In People v. Storch, 176 Mich App 414; 440 NW2d 14 (1989), the defendant was convicted of first-degree criminal sexual conduct. The defendant's sister and her boyfriend testified on his behalf. Id. at 420. The prosecution was allowed to introduce evidence of the boyfriend's prior criminal sexual conduct conviction and the defendant appealed. Id. at 421. The Court analyzed the issue under a prior version of MRE 609, which required the probative value of the evidence on the issue of credibility to outweigh its prejudicial effect. Id. The Court held the evidence was improperly admitted because it was potentially unfairly prejudicial and only minimally, if at all, probative on the issue of credibility because the crime of criminal sexual conduct does not involve elements of theft, dishonesty, or false statement. Id. at 421-422.