S.C. v. H.B

In S.C. v. H.B. (9 Misc 3d 1110[A] 2005 NY Slip Op 51484[U] [Fam Ct, Rockland County 2005], the court also followed Ochs. The court took an interesting approach based upon the peculiar facts of that case and ordered only partial disclosure of the evaluator's file. The court began its analysis by stating that "cross-examination of the expert and rebuttal testimony that is based on a full critique of the evaluation and careful analysis of the facts, which form the basis for his conclusions, would aid the court in evaluating the scientific validity of said conclusions, and would be greatly facilitated by thorough pre-trial disclosure." (S.C. v. H.B., 2005 NY Slip Op 51484[U] at 1-2, citing Ochs and Timothy M. Tippins, Custody Evaluations, Part 4: Full Disclosure Critical, NYLJ, Jan. 15, 2004 at 3, col 1.)