In Re S.E.P

In In re S.E.P., N.C. App., 646 S.E.2d 617 (2007), our Court ruled that the trial court lacked jurisdiction in a termination of parental rights proceeding where the petition alleging neglect and dependency "showed the 'Signature of Petitioner' as: 'Don C. Wall by Pam Frazier' with the 'Director' box checked." Id. at, 646 S.E.2d at 621-22. Because Pam Frazier did not purport to be the DSS director, the Court deemed it "obvious from the record that the alleged signature which appears on the petition was not in fact the director's signature." Id. at, 646 S.E.2d at 621. The Court noted, however, that "if Pam Frazier was an authorized representative of the DSS director, she should have signed her own name and checked the 'Authorized Representative' box. In that circumstance, the Court likely would reach a different result." Id. at n.5, 646 S.E.2d at 621 n.5.