McCoy v. Toledo Corr. Inst

In McCoy v. Toledo Corr. Inst., Franklin App. No. 04AP-1098, 2005 Ohio 1848, the Court initially rejected an attempt to distinguish Senegal on the grounds that Senegal involved an age discrimination claim brought under R.C. 4101.17 (since renumbered as R.C. 4112.14) rather than race and gender discrimination claims under R.C.4112.02. In rejecting this argument, we stated that "our reading of Senegal suggests it is factually similar enough that, were it still good law, it would apply here." McCoy, supra at P5. The Court then pointed out that no other decisions had accepted the six-year statute of limitations and, in fact, a number of decisions had specifically applied the two-year statute of limitations. Id. at P6.