Three Hundred Ten Thousand Twenty Dollars ($ 310,020.00)

In Three Hundred Ten Thousand Twenty Dollars ($ 310,020.00), 894 A.2d 154. Dien Vy Phung was stopped for speeding on the Pennsylvania Turnpike and was found to be carrying $ 310,020 cash in the trunk of his car wrapped in bundles of $ 5,000 and $ 10,000. Phung did not know the amount of the money. Phung's convoluted explanation of how he came into the possession of over $ 300,000 in cash in western Pennsylvania began in Canada with side trips to Boston and Northern New Jersey where various unnamed friends and one fiancee pressed large sums of cash upon him to be used to purchase a $ 60,000 nail salon in Pittsburgh. The story was not believed by the fact finder. Phung was later convicted on a drug charge unrelated to the forfeiture. A drug dog alerted on the cash seized, and a subsequent ion scan showed ten to twenty times more cocaine residue on the cash than currency circulating in Boston, Northern New Jersey or Pennsylvania. This Court upheld the forfeiture. It concluded that the large amount of cash; the manner in which it was bundled; and the large amount of cocaine present on the cash established a sufficient nexus.