Texas Workforce and Economic Competitiveness Act

The structure and text of the Texas Workforce and Economic Competitiveness Act ("TWECA") track the language and purpose of the Job Training Partnership Act at the state level. In accordance with the Job Training and Partnership Act, the governor of Texas appoints the Council on Workforce and Economic Competitiveness ("Council") to implement policies for a well-educated and efficient workforce throughout the State. See TEX. GOV'T CODE ANN. 2308.051; 2308.052; 2308.101; 2308.102; (Vernon Supp. 2000). The TWECA provides that the Council is attached for administrative purposes to the office of the governor. Id. at 2308.051(b). The Council recommends for the governor's approval areas to be designated as "workforce development areas." Id. at 2308.252. Chief elected officials in each designated workforce development area then appoint members to serve on the local workforce development board ("board") to oversee workforce training and services. Id. at 2308.253. the board's actions must comply with the rules promulgated by the Texas Workforce Commission and are subject to review and analysis by the Council. TEX. GOV'T CODE ANN. at 2308.154(3); 2308.253(a). The chair of the Texas Workforce Commission serves as a member of the Council appointed by the governor. Id. at 2308.52(b)(3)(E). Clearly this statutorily-defined structure establishes that workforce boards act as arms of the State and carry out the policies established by the Texas Workforce Commission.