C.D.J. v. State

In C.D.J. v. State, 671 So. 2d 139 (Ala. Crim. App. 1995) police responded to a call that shots had been fired at the Valley Skate Center in Birmingham. Witnesses told the officers that the shots had been fired from either a blue Cadillac automobile or a red Datsun automobile. The defendant was a passenger in the red Datsun, where the officers found a shotgun and two pistols. The defendant was adjudicated delinquent on the charges of possession of a shotgun and of carrying a pistol. The State presented more evidence than the mere presence of the defendant in the automobile with the guns. There was also evidence that the guns were still warm, that the shot had come from the passenger side of the vehicle, where C.D.J. was sitting, and that one of the guns had a spent chamber.