Ex parte Warren

In Ex parte Warren, 718 So. 2d 45 (Ala. 1998), a husband and wife sued a contractor, alleging breach of contract and fraud. The fraud claim was based on alleged misrepresentations in the contract. As in the instant case, only the husband signed the contract. The Warrens brought their claims as coparties to the contract; however, Mrs. Warren conceded in her brief that she was not a party to the contract containing the arbitration agreement. Mrs. Warren further alleged that she was not a third-party beneficiary of that contract. The Court held: "In her efforts to avoid arbitration, Mrs. Warren has conceded that she has no right to recover under the contract, by disavowing any status as a party to the contract or as a third-party beneficiary. Also, because she has disavowed any status as a party to the contract, she has no claim based on fraud in the inducement of that contract." (Ex parte Warren, 718 So. 2d at 47.)