Green Tree Financial Corp. of Alabama v. Vintson

In Green Tree Financial Corp. of Alabama v. Vintson, 753 So. 2d 497, 504 (Ala. 1999) the Court rejected the plaintiffs' claims that they had "no meaningful choice" with respect to an arbitration provision in a mobile-home sales contract. The plaintiffs claimed that all of the lenders through which the mobile-home seller financed purchases had arbitration provisions in their financing agreements. Id. at 504. However, there was evidence that at least one of the lenders doing business with the mobile-home seller did not have an arbitration provision in its financing agreement at the time of the plaintiffs' purchase, and the plaintiffs failed to present any evidence "to suggest that any of the lenders through which the seller financed the purchases would have refused to finance the purchase had the plaintiffs objected to the arbitration provision." Id.