Patrick v. State

In Patrick v. State, 43 Ala. App. 620, 197 So. 2d 782 (1967) the defendant was charged on May 17, 1951, and warrants for his arrest were issued that date. The defendant was arrested, and on May 29, 1951, the 12th day after the warrants had been issued, the defendant, after having pleaded guilty, was sentenced. The Court of Appeals reasoned: "It is clear to us, ... that it is the intent of the law that the inception or beginning of the fifteen-day provision be computed from the date of the arrest of the defendant for the offense or offenses with which he is charged and to which appellant pled guilty. The fifteen-day provision herein referred to is mandatory and must be strictly complied with." (Patrick, 43 Ala. App. at 621, 197 So. 2d at 783.)