Wash. Elem. Sch. Dist. No.6 v. Baglino Corp

In Wash. Elem. Sch. Dist. No.6 v. Baglino Corp., 169 Ariz. 58, 817 P.2d 3 (1991) the Courtstated that "contracts indemnifying a party against his own negligence do not violate public policy". In Baglino, a provision that entitled an indemnitee to indemnification "regardless of whether or not the injury is caused in whole or part by any negligent act or omission of the indemnitee" was found to be a specific agreement because it clearly protected the indemnitee from the consequences of its own negligence. Id. at 61-62, 817 P.2d at 6-7. Furthermore, indemnity provisions "are strictly construed and generally will not protect an indemnitee against its own negligence unless the indemnitor's obligation to do so is expressed in clear and unequivocal terms." Baglino, 169 Ariz. at 61, 817 P.2d at 6.