California Penal Code Section 1213 - Interpretation

In People v. Eddards (2008) 162 Cal.App.4th 712 , the reviewing court noted that section 1213 provides in relevant part that "'when a probationary order . . . has been pronounced, a copy of the entry of that portion of the probationary order ordering the defendant confined in a city or county jail as a condition of probation . . . , and a Criminal Investigation and Identification (CII) number shall be forthwith furnished to the officer whose duty it is to execute the probationary order . . . , and no other warrant or authority is necessary to justify or require its execution. If a copy of the minute order is used as the commitment document, the first page or pages shall be identical in form and content to that prescribed by the Judicial Council for an abstract of judgment, and other matters as appropriate may be added thereafter.'" (Eddards, at p. 718.) The court then interpreted section 1213 to require that the trial court provide a probation minute order that included the same "'form and content'" as an abstract of judgment. (Ibid.) Thus, the Eddards court remanded the matter to the trial court for an itemization of all fines, fees, and penalty assessments. (Ibid.)