California Penal Code section 667.6 (d)

Aggravated sexual assault of a child occurs when a person commits specified sex crimes, including forcible rape and oral copulation, on a child who is under the age of 14 and seven or more years younger than the defendant. (Penal Code 269, subd. (a).) The punishment for aggravated sexual assault of a child is a prison term of 15 years to life. (Penal Code 269, subd. (b).) The statute provides that the court "shall impose a consecutive sentence for each offense that results in a conviction under this section if the crimes involve separate victims or involve the same victim on separate occasions as defined in subdivision (d) of Section 667.6." (Penal Code 269, subd. (c).) Under Penal Code section 667.6, subdivision (d), the court must sentence a defendant to a full, separate, and consecutive term for each violation of an offense specified in section 667.6, subdivision (e), if the crimes involve separate victims or involve the same victim on separate occasions. ( 667.6, subd. (d).) In determining whether the crimes against a single victim were committed on "separate occasions," the court must decide whether the defendant had "a reasonable opportunity to reflect upon his or her actions" between the commission of each sex crime, but "nevertheless resumed his sexually assaultive behavior." (Ibid.) "Neither the duration of time between crimes, nor whether or not the defendant lost or abandoned his or her opportunity to attack, shall be, in and of itself, determinative on the issue of whether the crimes in question occurred on separate occasions." ( 667.6, subd. (d).) Penal Code Section 667.6, subdivision (d) also states: "The term shall be served consecutively to any other term of imprisonment and shall commence from the time the person otherwise would have been released from imprisonment. The term shall not be included in any determination pursuant to Section 1170.1. Any other term imposed subsequent to that term shall not be merged therein but shall commence at the time the person otherwise would have been released from prison."