Cung La v. State Farm Auto. Ins. Co

In Cung La v. State Farm Auto. Ins. Co. (Colo. 1992) 830 P.2d 1007, three vehicles surrounded the insured's vehicle while he was driving on Interstate 70, and prevented him from changing the speed or direction of his car. A passenger fired a shot from one of the other vehicles injuring the insured. ( Id. at p. 1008.) The court found coverage under the uninsured motorist provision, reasoning that without the vehicle the assailant would not have been able to keep up with the insured's car, restrict the movement of the insured's car, or shoot the insured. ( Id. at p. 1011.) But the court expressly distinguished its holding from cases in which a shooting injury occurred after the vehicle used to transport the assailant had come to rest and was parked or stopped. ( Id. at p. 1010.)