Estate of Burford v. Burford

In Estate of Burford v. Burford, 935 P.2d 943 (Colo. 1997), the Colorado Supreme Court explained its interpretation of Colorado Revised Statute section 14-10-120(1), which is essentially identical to A.R.S. 25-325(A): In summary, we hold that section 14-10-120(1) provides that when a dissolution decree is entered by the district court, it is a final order concerning the marital status of parties even though the decree is not treated as final for the purposes of appellate review. We hold that a decree of dissolution granted in accordance with section 14-10-120 may be immediately appealed when one party challenges the findings of the district court that the marriage is irretrievably broken or contests the jurisdiction of the court, and the district court acting pursuant to its discretionary authority certifies the decree as a final order for purposes of appeal under C.R.C.P. 54(b). 935 P.2d at 955.