People v. Dalton

In People v. Dalton, 840 P.2d 351 (Colo. 1992), the conduct at issue involved "asserting numerous unwarranted allegations against, and displaying disrespect for, the county court judge, the prosecutor, and the court reporter." Such conduct was "undignified, discourteous and disruptive of the proceedings." Dalton at 352. Additionally, in moving to disqualify the judge in a separate proceeding, the respondent made allegations that were "unwarranted and displayed disrespect for the court." Id. In disciplinary proceedings against him, the respondent charged a complaining witness with filing a frivolous and groundless action, and claimed the witness was liable for damages and attorney fees, despite a statutory giant of immunity. Id. The respondent stipulated his conduct violated Disciplinary rule 7-106(C)(6), which is analogous to MRPC 3.5(c). Id.