Creem v. Cicero

In Creem v. Cicero, 12 Conn. App. 607, 533 A.2d 234 (1987), the named plaintiff sought to recover damages for personal injuries in a motor vehicle accident caused by the defendant's alleged negligence. The plaintiff's wife joined in the action, seeking to recover for loss of consortium. The defendant stipulated to liability and the court submitted the matter to a hearing in damages. The jury returned a general verdict for the named plaintiff only four cents greater than the amount he claimed as special damages and returned a general verdict for the plaintiff wife, but awarded no damages. The plaintiffs filed a motion to set aside the verdict, which motion the court granted unless the defendant filed additurs with the court. On appeal, this court determined that the trial court had improperly set aside the verdict for the named plaintiff, but had not abused its discretion with respect to the verdict for the plaintiff wife on her loss of consortium claim. Consequently, the Court ordered a reinstatement of the jury verdict as to the negligence claim and affirmed the trial court's order for a new trial or an additur as to the loss of consortium claim.