Eldridge v. Eldridge

In Eldridge v. Eldridge. 244 Conn. 523, 710 A.2d 757 (1998), the husband was obligated to pay periodic unallocated alimony and child support to his former wife. Eldridge v. Eldridge, supra, 244 Conn. 525. The agreement and judgment provided that in the event that the wife's gross annual earnings exceeded $ 25,000, one half of the amount by which her earnings exceeded $ 25,000 would be deducted from the periodic unallocated alimony. Id. The Court upheld that portion of the trial court's determination that this provision was not self- executing and that the husband was required to obtain court approval of any modification of the court's financial orders. Id., 531-32. The Court reiterated the general proposition that "court orders must be complied with until they are modified by a court or successfully challenged." (Internal quotation marks omitted.) Id., 530. In Eldridge, the Court upheld that portion of the trial court's determination that the dissolution decree was not self- executing. Id., 529-32.