Grodzicki v. Grodzicki

In Grodzicki v. Grodzicki, 154 Conn. 456, 463, 226 A.2d 656 (1967), one holder withdrew funds from a joint account to which she had been the sole contributor of the funds on deposit in the joint account. Her fellow holder then brought an action against the sole depositing holder for conversion, claiming an ownership interest in the funds upon their deposit. The Court reviewed the two clauses of 36-3 (1). The court determined that the first clause, the precursor to 36a-290 (a), served only as a bank protection provision. The second clause, the precursor to 36a-290 (b), the court held, does not apply when all holders of the account are alive. That is, the court held that 36-3 "does not determine the respective rights of the parties inter vivos"; Grodzicki v. Grodzicki, supra, 154 Conn. 463; such that one account holder may claim community property rights in funds deposited by another account holder.