Hardy v. Shepard

In Hardy v. Shepard, Superior Court, judicial district of Hartford-New Britain, Docket No. 940541387S (July 31, 1995) (14 Conn. L. Rptr. 515), the court found inconsistencies and ambiguities in the plaintiff's testimony, and the plaintiff presented no affidavits, depositions or other documents to support her allegations that the defendant had possession or control of the premises. Id. Moreover, the plaintiff in Hardy offered no evidence, as the plaintiff did here, that the court had issued a detailed order appointing a receiver of rents to oversee the premises, and that the defendant's permission was required before expensive repairs and other activities affecting the premises could be performed. The Hardy court, therefore, found that the plaintiff had not produced sufficient evidence to support her allegations and thus concluded that there was no genuine issue as to the defendant's possession or control of the premises. Id.