Housing Authority v. Papandrea

In Housing Authority v. Papandrea, 222 Conn. 414, 610 A.2d 637 (1992), the local housing authority sought to enjoin the defendant state housing commissioner from performing a rental assistance and housing voucher program in the town. Id., 416. The defendant moved to dismiss the plaintiff's action in the Superior Court, claiming that the plaintiff had failed to exhaust available administrative remedies. Id. The plaintiff argued that it was futile to pursue administrative remedies before the commissioner because the commissioner already had commented publicly on the issue in a manner adverse to the plaintiff. Id., 428-30. The Court disagreed and concluded that the fact that the commissioner indicated a contrary view on the matter does not absolve "the plaintiff of its obligation to pursue its administrative remedies in an effort to persuade the commissioner that his position was legally incorrect." Id., 432.