Lombard Bros., Inc. v. General Asset Management Co

In Lombard Bros., Inc. v. General Asset Management Co., 190 Conn. 245, 253-54, 460 A.2d 481 (1983), the defendant was a securities dealer that did business only in New York. Id., at 248. The dealer's contacts with Connecticut were 145 accurate duplicate confirmations sent to this state in response to the plaintiff's transfer of funds to the dealer. Id., at 255. In addition, the dealer had dealt with twelve other Connecticut customers, with whom it did $ 771,000,000 in trades representing less than one percent of the dealer's total business. Id. Further, the defendant, in two instances, had placed advertisements in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal that announced the names of persons joining the firm. Id., at 255-56. Lombard held that these facts did not suffice to permit a Connecticut court to exercise personal jurisdiction over the securities dealer. It found the two advertisements to be insufficient, by themselves, to constitute "repeated solicitation of business." Id., at 257. It noted that, "apart from these advertisements, there is neither allegation nor evidence that the defendant ever expressly solicited business from the plaintiff . . . or from anyone else." Id.