Misisco v. La Maita

In Misisco v. La Maita, 150 Conn. 680, 684, 192 A.2d 891 (1963), the Court, consonant with the Restatement view, explained: "An unjust enrichment claim is an action in quasi contract, i.e. an obligation, arising by law, on which the same remedy is given as would be given if the obligation arose out of contract. . . . Although the right of recovery is based on equitable principles, it is nevertheless an action at law, the purpose of which is to prevent unjust enrichment. . . . The only remedy is in an award of money damages. There is no merit to the claim of the defendant that the plaintiff's only right of action was in equity and that equitable relief had to be sought." Under Connecticut law, therefore, a claim in restitution may indeed be legal in nature.