Russo v. East Hartford

In Russo v. East Hartford, 4 Conn. App. 271, 493 A.2d 914 (1985), the plaintiffs claimed that various regulations affected their land from the date that those regulations were instituted until the date of the actual condemnation so as to amount to an unconstitutional taking. Id., 273. The Court, in affirming the judgment rendered in favor of the defendants, stated: "Where our statutes provide an efficacious means for assuring just compensation, that procedure will be followed. . . . The statutory procedure under which the plaintiffs previously proceeded . . . General Statutes 8-129 to 8-133 . . . provides an efficient procedure for vindicating the common law right to compensation for a taking of property by eminent domain. . . . We see no justification under the facts of this case for the institution of an independent action which seeks, in essence, only to relitigate the issues . . . ." Russo v. East Hartford, supra, 274.