State v. AFSCME, Council 4, Local 387

In State v. AFSCME, Council 4, Local 387, AFL-CIO, 252 Conn. 467, 470-71 n.7, 747 A.2d 480 (2000), the Court stated that: "We do not hold that the violation of a criminal statute is a per se public policy violation sufficient to justify vacating an arbitrator's decision. Instead, we conclude that this case poses a narrow, blatant example of the department of correction's proper exercise of its power to dismiss. Although the conduct demonstrated by the grievant is particularly offensive to an enlightened society, our decision here is dictated not by personal standards of decency, but by proper legal precedent that does provide, in this case, the just outcome." Id., 477-78. In State v. AFSCME, Council 4, Local 387, AFL-CIO, supra, 252 Conn. 467, the terminated employee violated several laws and department of correction directives while he was on the job. The concurring opinion notes that distinction. Id., 479 (Peters, J., concurring).