State v. Adorno

In State v. Adorno, 45 Conn. App. 187, 695 A.2d 6, cert. denied, 242 Conn. 904, 697 A.2d 688 (1997), the defendant claimed that the evidence was insufficient to sustain his conviction of burglary. The defendant in that case specifically challenged the evidence surrounding whether an entry had occurred. This court determined that a jury reasonably could conclude that an entry occurred where the defendant kicked open a locked door. "It was reasonable for the jury to conclude that at least some part of the defendant's body, his hand or foot for example, intruded into the victim's apartment. Common sense dictates that it would be reasonable to conclude that, in using the force necessary to kick open a locked door, the momentum would carry the defendant or one of his companions into the victim's apartment." Id., 195.