Tucker v. Board of Education of the Town of Norfolk

In Tucker v. Board of Education of the Town of Norfolk, 177 Conn. 572, 418 A.2d 933 (Conn. 1979), a tenured teacher was fired for insubordination when she took a two-day leave of absence after her superiors had denied permission for such leave. The court in Tucker found that dismissal was too harsh and held: "We are of the opinion that, although there are circumstances indicating that the plaintiff was "insubordinate" in her conduct, a review of the entire record discloses that the drastic disciplinary action of dismissal constituted exceedingly excessive punishment for the plaintiff's misconduct, and an abuse of discretion, especially in the light of the plaintiff's excellent and unblemished school record as a capable, dedicated teacher." (Tucker, 418 A.2d at 938.)