Setting Aside a Jury Verdict in Delaware

What is the Standard for Setting Aside a Jury Verdict in Delaware ? The standard for setting aside a jury verdict upon a motion for acquittal is established in State v. Chapman, Del. Super., Witham, J. (April 12, 2002) (ORDER). In Chapman, the court said that if the jury returns a guilty verdict, a motion for acquittal may be made and the court may set aside the verdict and enter a judgment of acquittal. "The relevant question is whether, after reviewing the evidence [and legitimate inferences] in light most favorable to the prosecution, any rational trier of fact could have found the essential elements of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt.' However, the Court is not required to ask itself whether it believes that the evidence at trial established guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. It must merely inquire as to whether any rational trier of fact could have found that guilt was established." Id. at 1