Declaratory Judgment In the Absence of a Justiciable Controversy

A declaratory judgment may not be granted in the absence of a justiciable controversy. The object of the declaratory judgment is to permit determination of a controversy before obligations are repudiated or rights are violated. As many times pointed out by this court, its purpose is to permit one who is walking in the dark to ascertain where he is and where he is going, to turn on the light before he steps rather than after he has stepped in a hole ,Loyd v. City of Irwinton, 142 Ga. App. 626 at 626-627 (1) (236 S.E.2d 889) (1977)." Oxford Finance Cos. v. Dennis, 185 Ga. App. 177 (363 S.E.2d 614). Farm &c. Ins. Cos. v. Skelton, 235 Ga. App. 507, 508 (510 S.E.2d 76).