What Is Doctrine of Laches Definition ?

Laches is an equitable doctrine that may be invoked when delay by one party works to the disadvantage of the other, causing a change of circumstances that would make the grant of relief to the delaying party inequitable. Building & Constr. Trades v. Public Works, 108 Nev. 605, 610-11, 836 P.2d 633, 636-37 (1992). The doctrine applies to a petition for a writ of mandamus. Buckholt v. District Court, 94 Nev. 631, 633, 584 P.2d 672, 673 (1978). In deciding whether to apply the doctrine to preclude consideration of such a petition, a court must determine whether: (1) there was an inexcusable delay in seeking the petition; (2) an implied waiver arose from petitioners' knowing acquiescence in existing conditions; (3) there were circumstances causing prejudice to respondent." Id. at 633, 584 P.2d at 673-74.