Credille v. State

In Credille v. State, 925 S.W.2d 112, 116 (Tex. App. - Houston 14th Dist. 1996, pet. ref'd), the defense sought to impeach the credibility of a child complainant by cross-examining the police officer who interviewed the complainant while investigating the case. During the cross-examination, defense counsel inquired about specific statements made by the complainant during the interview. On redirect examination, the State established that the statements came from an interview that had been videotaped, and moved successfully for admission of the entire videotape. The appellant in that case argued that the videotape should not have been admitted because he did not try to admit any portion of the videotape itself into evidence. The Court of Appeals upheld the trial court's admission of the video: Rule 107, . . . in its text, permits the introduction of other types of evidence to clarify the opponent's evidence. . . . Therefore, because appellant inquired into the videotaped conversation, . . . the State was entitled to offer any other evidence that was necessary to make the conversation fully understood. (Credille, 925 S.W.2d at 117.)