Avery v. Georgia

In Avery v. Georgia, 345 U.S. 559 (1953) the Supreme Court reversed a judgment of conviction where the names of prospective petit jurors had been printed on differently colored tickets according to their race-white tickets for white people, and yellow tickets for Negroes. A state superior court judge drew the names from the jury box and handed them to the sheriff, who entrusted them to the court clerk for arranging the tickets and typing up the list of persons to be called to serve on the panel. The Supreme Court found that the use of the white and yellow tickets made it easier "for those to discriminate who are of a mind to discriminate," and that even if the judge had drawn the names without looking to see the color of the tickets, "opportunity was available to resort to discrimination at other stages in the selection process." 345 U.S., at 562.