Bd. of Educ. of Rogers, Ark. v. McCluskey

In Bd. of Educ. of Rogers, Ark. v. McCluskey, 458 U.S. 966, 970, 102 S.Ct. 3469, 73 L.Ed.2d 1273 (1982), a student was expelled for being drunk at school. The school had a rule against possession of certain drugs as classified by state law. Alcohol was not among those drugs. The district court and the court of appeals both held that the district's reliance on the law prohibiting drug possession when the offense involved alcohol violated the student's substantive due process rights. The Supreme Court disagreed, saying that, while it might be possible to imagine a situation in which a school board's interpretation of its own rules would be so "extreme as to be a violation of due process," this was not that case, and the board's interpretation of its rules controlled.