Hill v. Farmers Insurance Exchange

In Hill v. Farmers Insurance Exchange, 888 P.2d 138 (Utah Ct. App. 1994), the defendants had insured three vehicles under separate automobile insurance policies. Id. at 139. Each policy excluded coverage for "bodily injury or property damage arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of any vehicle other than the insured car named in the policy, which was owned by or furnished or available for regular use by the named insured or a family member." Id. Following an automobile accident in which the defendants' sixteen-year-old daughter injured the plaintiffs, the plaintiffs sought to recover under each of the three separate insurance policies. Id. at 139-40. The court of appeals rejected the plaintiffs' attempts to obtain multiple recoveries. Id. at 140-41. Because the policies unambiguously excluded coverage for the use of other household vehicles not named under each policy, the court held that the plaintiffs were not entitled to recover under the defendants' remaining two insurance policies. Id. at 141.