The Court of Last Resort in the Virgin Islands

In the Virgin Islands, the Supreme Court of the Virgin Islands serves as the court of last resort in which the supreme judicial power of the Territory is vested. See 4 V.I.C. 2 ("The judicial power of the Territory is vested in ... the court of last resort ... 'The Supreme Court of the Virgin Islands.' "); 4 V.I.C. 21 ("The Supreme Court of the Virgin Islands is established pursuant to section 21(a) of the Revised Organic Act of the Virgin Islands ... and in it shall be reposed the supreme judicial power of the Territory."). Consequently, when the Legislature established this Court as the court of last resort for the Virgin Islands in accordance with section 21(a) of the Revised Organic Act, the Superior Court was divested of its authority to unilaterally adopt procedural rules that would override duly-enacted Virgin Islands statutes without the approval of the Supreme Court of the Virgin Islands.