Pries v. Watt

In Pries v. Watt, 186 W. Va. 49, 410 S.E.2d 285 (1991) it was said that: "In order to obtain personal jurisdiction over a nonresident defendant, reasonable notice of the suit must be given the defendant. There also must be a sufficient connection or minimum contacts between the defendant and the forum state so that it will be fair and just to require a defense to be mounted in the forum state." (Syl. pt. 2, Pries, 186 W. Va. 49, 410 S.E.2d 285.) The decision in Pries also noted that to what extent a nonresident defendant has minimum contacts with the forum state depends upon the facts of the individual case. One essential inquiry is whether the defendant has purposefully acted to obtain benefits or privileges in the forum state. (Syl. pt. 3, Pries, id.)