Hermosillo v. State ex rel. Workers' Safety and Compensation

In Hermosillo v. State ex rel. Workers' Safety and Compensation, 2002 WY 175, 58 P.3d 924 (Wyo. 2002), the hearing examiner concluded that Mr. Hermosillo relied on the department of vocational rehabilitation to find employment and took no other steps to find alternative work. Mr. Hermosillo presented evidence showing that he applied at ten different companies beginning in 1999 (no dates or further details were presented) and in 2000, before applying for a permanent partial award, he registered with the department of vocational rehabilitation. The Division presented evidence through a vocational evaluator that work was available in 2000 and 2001 for which Mr. Hermosillo was qualified with his restrictions. The Court said: "This evidence of sporadic efforts is substantial evidence supporting the hearing examiner's conclusion that Hermosillo did not present evidence that he had engaged in any kind of a sustained effort to apply or train for work when he applied for benefits. Although the evidence somewhat conflicts, a review of the entire record shows that the hearing examiner's conclusion that Hermosillo had not actively looked for work as required by the statute was reasonable."